What is Remote Monitoring and maintenance (RMM) and what does it mean for you?

Remote Monitoring and maintenance or RMM is a method used by IT service providers to proactively monitor and maintain your computers and computer systems. When looking at IT service providers asking questions like “does your company use Remote Monitoring and maintenance tools.” These tools include the ability to perform the following.

  1. Test, pre-approve and deploy Windows updates and patches.
  2. Deploy third party updates such as Adobe DC Reader.
  3. Scan workstations for potential issues such as software or hardware failures. And, if configured correctly in some cases fix these issues with out the end user even noticing the difference.
  4. Allow remote access from the IT provider to your computer systems.
  5. Run computer vulnerability scans and checks.
  6. Deploy anti-virus and ransomware remediation tools.

There are many more features of Remote Monitoring and maintenance (RMM) systems and depending on your service provider and their software remote monitoring tools can be a hug increase to your businesses productivity.